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RE: "ADHD" as a blessing

An ADHDier told me that, leaving with ADHD is like leaving 50% behind, and I think he was making sense.
I manage mine gradually and always try to have control over the symptoms by leveraging more protein intake.

Just being a little curious, do you take medications?


I don’t feel behind, I feel way ahead, but it’s hard to wait for other people to catch up and so I get restless. Because I’m waiting for others to catch up, I try to find things to fill my mind with, and that’s where the attention issues come from. While I’m waiting for them my mind gets absorbed with many things. And because my mind works quickly, I have a habit of overfeeding it.

Imagine you finish a test way before anyone but it’s not time to hand in the test so you start thinking about other things. Then you forget to hand in the test because your mind was so busy in order to make waiting less boring. Then it becomes anxiety because you have had this kind of thing happen so many times and suffered consequences for it. That’s ADHD.

It’s just like a song with a different rhythm from the songs on the radio.

I took medicine for 1 year in junior high school . It killed my emotions and didn’t help my attention much. It made me worse I think.

The thing that helped me was learning to manage my focus. I surround myself with easygoing people and don’t read the news much. I learned to manage my emotions as well. The his helped a lot

I don’t feel behind, I feel way ahead, but it’s hard to wait for other people to catch up and so I get restless. Because I’m waiting for others to catch up, I try to find things to fill my mind with, and that’s where the attention issues come from. While I’m waiting for them my mind gets absorbed with many things. And because my mind works quickly, I have a habit of overfeeding it.
