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RE: CrossCulture Contest || How Globalization has impacted me positively.

in Cross Culture β€’ last year

Me imagining Princess using horse or donkey to go to class if Globalization didn't tamper with transportation πŸ˜‚ Wahala ooo

It's interesting that the colonization of globalization is in all areas, making the world even more beautiful and better to live in.

What movie is that about the boy who was diagnosed to have "Buruli Ulcer"? It's my first time hearing about that kind of ulcer.

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Me imagining Princess using horse or donkey to go to class if Globalization didn't tamper with transportation πŸ˜‚ Wahala ooo

Remember I mentioned "elite classes" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ How will I use donkey or horse to school my parents can't afford then? Na rich people dey go school then. Na skill I go learn then. But thanks to globalization where education is now for all people.

What movie is that about the boy who was diagnosed to have "Buruli Ulcer"? It's my first time hearing about that kind of ulcer.

The title is "Strangers". A mixture of English and Yoruba. It's on Netflix. That was when I knew about the disease too and I was like, "where do they get those names from?" 🀣

Oh I see, will check the movie out