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RE: The Conclusion of the Epic Japanese Visa Saga.

in Cross Culture3 years ago

I don't even know what a life coach is ^_^;

It's just beaurocracy, it's designed to be as off-putting and soul destroying as possible. so no real surprise you feel a bit down and drained coming out of it. You can be mopey if you want, but don't dwell on it. Exciting definitely feels better but too much of either will raise stress levels (excitement doesn't always register as stress but it is XD) so let it all balance out :)

And you're right, there are so many factors that can change in a space of time so may as well find the happy in everything you can.

Hope you find the types of people that you need whether it's clients or a not-stupid employer that will sponsor your visa or whatever works :D


I’m good! I’v just been thinking about this novel and studying Japanese. I totally forgot about adulting lol