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RE: Cultural Stereotypes: Some Common Stereotypes About Men

I think it’s great that you try to defend men, if we all try to give each other the benefit of the doubt, life will be a lot easier.

I wish all men would cry and embrace it. They don’t need to do it in public, but they shouldn’t be so embarrassed that they can’t do it or even talk about it. Holding in that emotion is a greater sign of weakness, because it means they are scared of their own feelings.

The bad all depends on the environment and beliefs. The more brutally competitive and unforgiving the environment, the more people feel the need to put up a front and that front is usually a “bad guy” image. If the paradigm is like that then it’s easier to win as a bad guy then to challenge the paradigm...but a guy who can challenge the paradigm can be a legend.


I wouldn't say I am defending the men though, it's more of me just being honest. It's one reality of life that people don't want to accept. I honestly feel the same too, men bottle so much inside all because society have describe them as being strong, so it's some how when people see them cry.

there are still some places where crying will make you lose status and have real consequences. I’m thankful I am surrounded by weirdos who don’t mind that kind of thing and I think society is changing thanks to the internet

You are right, I totally agree with you.