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RE: “Get Over it”

in Cross Culture3 years ago (edited)

Very nice reflection, @selfhelp4trolls. When we hold a grudge we carry a suitcase full of shit that doesn't even serve as compost, because of how toxic it is. There will always be treacherous, evil, exploited and disloyal people, perhaps it is part of human nature, I don't know; The important thing is not to become a boxing pear so that anyone can come and attack us, if we do not learn from our experiences and protect ourselves. When we forgive, it is not that we are making total peace with that person, and all peace and love, and we eat cookies together, no; It is simply to remove that hatred, pain, sadness and anger from our hearts and keep distance from that person, but without remembering them, simply processing what they did to us, learning from them and sending them straight to oblivion, that is my perception; because staying close to someone who screwed you up implies that they will do it again, that is, they will betray you again, because they have already lost their modesty. Anyway, there is something inexorable in this life, and this is the Law of the Circle, that is impossible to evade, and sooner or later whoever screwed you, will receive triple or more than what they did to you. A hug.


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Yes, All very well said! In some cases it may be that we do eat cookies together. There was one person who gave me the most sincerest apology after being insensitive on many occasions. I made distance from her and 2 years later she said the most beautiful apology.

This has been rare though. More often I make distance and let go of the bitterness and try to just move on.