Blog Gila - Crazy Blog (30 days of Indonesian - Day 6 ) #30daysof

in Cross Culture4 years ago (edited)

Blog Saya Gila!

(Maaf, I use crazy stories to learn vocabulary!)

Saya sangat gemuk tapi sangat cerdas. Saya gemuk karena ibu saya kuda nil. Dia kuda nil indah. Dia suka makanan mahal. Tapi ayah saya suka makanan murah.

Ayah saya jerapah asing. Dia kurus dan tinggi. Dia punya kaki panjang. Dia kepala kecil. Jadi saya juga punya kaki panjang dan kepala kecil. Itu sangat menarik!

Orang-orang tidak suka saya. Saya sangat jelek. Saya sedih. Itu buruk

Ok don't hate me for that! The stranger the sentences I make, the easier it is for me to remember the vocabulary. That is why when I studied Cantonese, I told my friends "I am inside the microwave". It's a good way to get some laughs sometimes. But because of cultural difference, I hope I don't say anything offensive!

I want to learn adjectives as quickly as possible and so I am making lots of sentences with lots of adjectives. Here is my adjective checklist for now:

baik, buruk...baru, tua...kecil, besar
panjang, pendek...murah, mahal...terang, gelap
telat, pagi...menarik, membosan...kuat, lemah
betul, salah...bersih, kotor...kering, basah
mudah, sulit...lambat, cepat...setempat, asing
bising, tenang...gemuk, kurus
sedih, senang...kaya, miskin...
cerdas,bodoh ...indah,jelek...tinggi,pendek

Words I knew already : 5
Words I practiced : 14
Together : 19
/ 44

Maybe I will need to make another crazy blog tomorrow.

Oh and for anyone who doesn't speak Indonesian, check google translate to have your mind blown ;-)


pexy pexels


Gemuk dan Kurus, Tipis kepada benda, seperti kertas,triplek, kain,dll.

Semakin keren saja ya Zack 😎

Terimakasih! Kamu cerdas! Kamu indah!

Bahasa Indonesia is quite easy to learn because many English words adapted, but there are tricky and confusing words when you learn about suffix and prefix in Bahasa Indonesia.

Salam hangat!

For me, learning vocabulary is always the hardest part, so I do some silly practice like this. Thanks!

It's always nice to learn a new language. @tipu curate !

I'm pretty sure the nonsense sentences like すみません、私はりんごです is what helps people remember things and also makes sure that you are actually understanding what you're reading and not just rote learning phrases xD

Oh I got a great one on duolingo today "The apple is looking at me"


I don't know if that's better or worse than "kek ini bergerak" XD

Wait that doesn't seem quite right. [checks Google] kek is kue in Indo, but you get the idea XD

Saya sangat senang Anda menikmati belajar Bahasa Indonesia, selamat sore Zack!

I am a teacher language in my city for English subject, and I think this a chance for improve my native language, nice to meet you @whatamidoing