The evil language learning app - aplikasi jahat ( 30 days of Indonesian - day 24)

in Cross Culture4 years ago


Part of my daily Indonesian study for this 30 days of Indonesian project is using duolingo for practice. It’s an incredibly useful tool if used correctly, but it’s also a bit of a creep.

When you really get to know duolingo, you see how deeply disturbed it’s personality is. I’m sorry duolingo, for sharing our deeply intimate conversations with the world but you made me uncomfortable and I had to tell someone.

(Duolingo itu hebat, tetapi juga aneh. Saya pikir ini kesepian, dan mungkin gila. itu akan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan menarik.)


That may be the best pick up line I’ve ever heard...
(Kamu japang sedih, duolingo?)


Apple stalkers! I thought 2020 couldn't get any crazier...
(Saya takut. Saya tidak pernah makan apel)


Are you not having fun?

(Kamu tidak menikmati?)


I often eat my hat too
(Saya juga sering makan topiku)


Tono often gets drunk
(Tono sering mabuk...dia mengerikan)


In the jungle, the mighty jungle...
(pisang malas)


Why are you asking me? It is your body...
(Kenapa meminta saya? Itu tubuh kamu...)


I don't need money...
(Saya tidak butuh uang)


Can't stop Andi...
(Andi ditangkap, Andi ditangkap lagi...)


Now you tell me, after we've been together for almost a month?
(Saya tahu. Saya telalu tahu)


Just how evil...
(Apa Saya berkata? Saya tidak peduli)


That apple again....
(Apel itu lagi...)


She always does
(Dia kuat!)


sometimes hats are delicious
(terkadang topi itu enak)


Me? I'm dumb? I guess so for putting up with your insults.
Saya agak bodoh? Bagaimana kamu?


Yes we have no bananas.

You spent them all!?

I was going to keep them in the freezer for later but I couldn't help myself. I was hungry.

That is really awesome. I thought it was just me :)


Here’s a nice one though...


lol....uhm....why they gotta make it a Sikh dude? Or are the pics randomly generated? I remember once I got a cat whose head was stretched out off the screen, just orange all the way up from where his eyes were to the end of the screen

There are like 10 characters that they sort of rotate. I would love to know more about how these phrases and characters are generated after seeing the ones you posted though. It almost seems like they’re generated by an ai or something. Unless somehow those sentient apples are culturally relevant?

Maybe the apples are asking the questions ...

I like to use sentences like this to learn though. In Cantonese I would just say to friends "I'm in the microwave"

@whatamidoing, Looks like Year 2020 is becoming really Crazier.

Have a peaceful time ahead and stay blessed.