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RE: Thunderbolt (magun), penis captivus, and a case for African science

I never knew the name but I've heard a lot about the thunderbolt thing and the thought of it is terrifying. Although in my mind I imagined that rather than it being a contraction of the cervix, I imagine that the penis skin and the skin of the vagina walls just join together mysteriously.

However, now that you mention that something similar exists medically I suspect that maybe these African priests can create a drug or herb that causes the cervix to close or get tight and then they have a herb that released it.

My thoughts though.


Magun can be anything but a drug. Most often, it is just a piece of rope that a woman needs to cross unknowingly. Witch doctors are different from herbalists. The latter combine leaves for remedies while the former use charms and metaphysical powers to conjure magic.