How to Stake LLD using Emirex and @subwalletapp

in LAW2 months ago
Authored by @Liberland

by Liberland on Liberland
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: How to Stake LLD using Emirex and @subwalletapp

Liberland Blockchain runs on a Nominated Proof of Stake (NPos) consensus mechanism where Validators run nodes to operate the blockchain, and Nominators can delegate LLD to Validators who they think will do the best job running the blockchain.

Liberland Citizens can run Validators. However, anyone in the world can nominate a Validator to help operate and secure Liberland Blockchain! Check out this tutorial for how to create a wallet using @subwalletapp, create an account on Emirex, deposit tokens, buy LLD through Emirex, withdraw it, log in to Liberland Blockchain Wallet dApp, and nominate a Validator!

In less than 20 minutes, you'll be a Nominator on Liberland Blockchain, earning a portion of the validating rewards to helping secure the blockchain! Together we can reach the ideal stake amount of 50% of LLD. 💪

Check out today’s video..!