Hey man why dont you throw me some upvotes to take out these fucking downvotes im getting for zero reason?
Steemcleaners still hasnt given any reason and it all happened after i made a post criticis8ng zelensky and ukraine as of im not allowed to on hive ...ridnt know we were exoected to support a western war or be downvoted ...i guess some european whales here take it personally as if its my fault for russia invading another country lol
You of all people should know indont deserve these damn downvotes on all my posts after all ive done for hive especially when it was ateem
Do the right rhing and support my posts which have been given the support of eveeyone here exceot for two fucking peoppe logic and steemcleaners
Why cant you go against their abuse and upvote me @theycallmedan and restore faith in hive ? Ive done way more for hive than eith3r or them ever has and you know that
All my posts get 1 to 5 bucks on them and thats all the community voting For me ...one guy shoulent be able ro go against the entire community for personal political reasons
Its like hes holding against me when i was in the hospital last year with seeious problems aftee inhad a terrible testicle accident and went crazy. I had already apologized and edited all my crazy posts frok a long time ago andbgot iver that and yet ik still being downvoted why?
Why woule anyone want to come to hive after yeats of work to just be attacked ?
Downvotes are an artifact from steem, unnecessary, stupid, its not content moderation, theres no rules no appeals nothing
The staking rewards could just be sent as liquid hive ...its the same thing...whats the point of letting people take away other peoples staking rewards? Thats why hive is stillnunder 50 cents when steem was already 8 dollars by jan feb 2018 hah
If hive ever wants to get to 40 bucks theyll need to fork it ane have no downvotes
It a user is truly a scammer spammer etc they shoulenjust be removed from the front ends period . No other website has a system or upvote downvote that effedts rewards because it doesnt work and never will
Its just a way for power tripping whales to feel powerful