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RE: Cryptocurrency and the Useless Class

in Threespeak3 months ago

In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of the "useless class," a term coined by Yuval Harari. The useless class refers to individuals who lose their jobs due to automation and lack the skills for new opportunities. The speaker highlights the increasing pace of automation, accelerated further by COVID-19, and the potential impact on job markets. The recommendation offered is for individuals to consider cryptocurrency as a solution to potentially change their financial futures amidst these challenges. The speaker provides insights into the cryptocurrency world, mentioning DeFi, NFTs, play-to-earn models, and various projects that offer opportunities for wealth accumulation. Ultimately, the speaker urges viewers to consider cryptocurrency as a means to potentially navigate the changing job markets and financial landscapes.

Detailed Article:
The video opens with the discussion of the concept of the "useless class," a term attributed to Yuval Harari, describing individuals who are automated out of jobs and lack the necessary skills for other employment opportunities. The speaker links this concept to the increasing pace of automation and the shrinking job market for individuals with specific skill sets. Highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on the job market, the speaker predicts a future where automation continues to displace jobs at an accelerated rate.

The speaker expresses skepticism regarding the traditional employment market's ability to absorb displaced workers and suggests that the government's proposed solution of Universal Basic Income (UBI) might not sufficiently address the issue. Instead, the speaker proposes cryptocurrency as a potential solution for individuals to change their financial situations amidst the changing job landscape.

The speaker delves into the opportunities presented by the cryptocurrency world, emphasizing the growth and potential wealth creation in areas like DeFi, NFTs, play-to-earn models, and other emerging projects. Specific examples such as the Speak network are mentioned, highlighting the various ways individuals can participate in and benefit from these platforms.

Furthermore, the speaker encourages a long-term focus on cryptocurrency investments rather than short-term gains. They discuss strategies for accumulating tokens and the potential for significant financial growth over time, stressing the importance of consistent effort and prudent investment decisions.

The video concludes with a call to action for individuals facing potential job displacement to consider cryptocurrency as a viable option to secure their financial future. The speaker emphasizes the need to avoid relying on traditional forms of employment and government assistance, advocating for self-reliance and engagement in the cryptocurrency space as a means to potentially thrive in a changing economic landscape.