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RE: Is The NASDAQ The Real Store Of Value?

in Threespeak3 months ago


In this video, the speaker discusses the concept of safety in terms of investments, particularly focusing on the idea of a store of value. He reflects on the impact of the global economic situation and the pandemic on various asset classes, such as cash, Bitcoin, gold, silver, and equities markets. The speaker then suggests considering technology, specifically the NASDAQ, as a safe haven for investments due to the rapid advancements and growth expected in the technological sector over the next decade. He emphasizes the potential of companies in the tech industry like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and others, stating that dips in the market may be short-lived due to the continuous progress and expansion of technology.

Detailed Article:

The speaker initiates the discussion by addressing the significance of safety when it comes to investing and the idea of a store of value, particularly in times of uncertainty like the global pandemic. He highlights the observation that during the initial phase of the crisis, there was a rush to cash, considering the US dollar as a safe haven. However, he notes that this trend was short-lived, as money flowed back into various asset classes after the market bottomed out.

The speaker then delves into the performance of different asset classes following the initial impact of the pandemic. He mentions the significant rise in the value of Bitcoin, gold, and silver, with gold experiencing a slight leveling out recently. Drawing attention to the technological sector, the speaker, who describes himself as a technologist and futurist, expresses optimism about the potential of technology as a safe investment haven. He suggests looking into the NASDAQ index, which he views as a representation of the explosively advancing technological landscape.

Furthermore, the speaker elaborates on the impressive performance of the NASDAQ compared to other market indices like the S&P and the Dow Jones since the market lows in March. He acknowledges the recent pullback in some tech stocks like Tesla and Apple but remains confident in the overall strength of the tech sector. Emphasizing the continuous growth and innovation in technology, the speaker points out that betting against the tech industry's future may not be wise given its historical trajectory of acceleration and expansion.

The discussion then shifts towards the substantial investments being made in various technological fields, such as space exploration, energy, the Internet of Energy, and communication systems like the Starlink program. The speaker underscores the immense amount of capital being poured into these sectors, indicating a strong belief in their transformative potential. He highlights the ripple effect of advancements in technology on various aspects of life, from communication and data to healthcare and AI.

In conclusion, the speaker encourages viewers to consider the NASDAQ as a safe investment option due to its close alignment with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. He challenges the traditional view of investment safety based on old economic models and emphasizes the robust growth potential and resilience of technology companies in the current market environment. Ultimately, he leaves viewers with the question of whether it is a wise choice to bet against technology's continuous progress and expansion.