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RE: Decentralization, Distribution, And The End Of The Nation-State

in Threespeak3 years ago

The mass psychosis is real. however that same interconnectedness allows those of us who are paying attention to see what the entrenched powers do to those who try to stand up to them, which is to say to see that those entrenched powers exist at all. Definitely a double edged sword. It's interesting how the game has changed from hiding things from the people to flooding us with so much different fake news that the truth is hidden in the haystack of bullshit.

On the idea of freedom of choice of different nation-states, it may be possible to move from one to another, but it is not easy, involves a gross violation of privacy, and is generally only possible for people with money. it would take a lot more than going back to "normal" to change that.

(not trying to be a contrary mary, just looking for that "golden solution" you know?) Ultimately I think it lies with human evolution. We just have to grow up as a species. otherwise we will continue on as slaves to our own shittiness.