First purchase of Blood Stone and appropriate legendary reward from very first Gladiaus case

in Threespeak11 months ago

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Hello beautiful world!
Welcome to my 3speak vlog..
You must have noticed that we are continuously getting Alchemy potion, and legendary potion from daily focus and season reward. Most of us like to purchase it from market by burning Dec. It is because to pull Legendary and gold foil from splinterlands packs.
I have remember when I purchased over than 100 pack of Chaos Legion and Riftwatcher that time I purchased pretty good amount of Alchemy potion and Legendary potion before opening the cases.
Result of that I have 95 Gold goil including 7 Gladiators Gold card. It is not just about gold foil but also there is a 60 legendary monster in my game wallet including 4 Legendary gold foil.

Similar like normal pack I have 4 Gladiators legendary including Fina Voxom that I got yesterday.
Actually I was trying my luck by purchasing Blood stone. I purchased 20 blood stone after that I opened my three gladious cases.
Now I am planning to purchase Power stone so that I can get more Gold foil from gladious pack. Without purchasing power stone I have already Sevan gladious gold foil. To be honest I am very interested in Gladiators card that's why I am putting more effort in splinterland.
Soon I am going to upgrade my fire Gladiators summoner into level 6 that is already level 5. Overall Splinterlands going well for me and hope with the end of the year there will be pretty good amount of Gladiators card in my game wallet.
Thanks for your valuable time..
Stay connect with 3speak..

Ps- video edited with power director and image edited with Picsart..

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Do you mean power stone is a kind of boost that helps you to make growth in splinterlands game. I am not playing splinterland game so I have no much idea about this game. Anyway opening packs seem very good and their design is very unique.

Power stone and blood stone is not a kind of boost but it is a charge that increases the chance to get legendary and gold foil while opening Gladiaus cases.

Wow bro you are trying your luck by buying blood stone. I think everyone should try their luck. Who knows, you might get a very special card someday.

In fact it was a good experience for me because with first purchase I got legendary. Similar I like to do with opening normal packs using Alchemy and legendary potion . Same tried with gladious cases.

Dear bro hood to see you sharing your thoughts consistanly about different games.You are getting good rewards and I like your consistancy.Keep sharing videos like this.

No, no, it is not a different game, but blood stone is a kind of charge in splinterland game. With the help of charge we can increase the chance of getting legendary and gold foil.

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I don't know how this killed stone works in the game and I have never try it however now since you shared information about its I will check more about it. I did purchase 6 gladius packs yesterday but did not get any good card out of it so hopefully in the next brawl season I would be trying my luck.

To be honest, the first time I purchased blood stone and after that I opened my gladious by. In very first pack I got opportunity legendary finaa Voxom from fire unit. It may be possible that it was my good luck or the impact of bloodstone.

very nice legendary!

I too like this legendary very much.

its super op i want one lvl 2 on all my accs haha

I, too, want to upgrade, but how?
This is one of the best card from gladious, so hardly there be a chance to get from the cases.

get more cases and pray u get it then upgrade? i havea bit of luck i have legendary lvl 2 now on some of my acc for gladius cards

Ha ha ha. It's not an easy task. Is there any more sources to get merits except of Brawl ? If no, then we have to wait a lot. Lol

we get from ranked rewards chest. maybe u can get a lot from end of season 4-10k in one chest would be good

oh and also upgrading our shop can help us earn more merits haha. i will upgrade our arena next which should help our wins count for more crowns which should increase the merits for us and everyone in the brawl

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