Dresden: A Burnt Offering | VertigoPolitix

in Threespeak8 months ago (edited)

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78 years on, the ruination of Dresden, and the Heart of Europe, still looms painfully large. This heinous act must never be forgotten; nor the reasons for why it was committed...
Release Date: 2020 ???
🔗 All Credit To VertigoPolitix: https://archive.org/details/vertigo-politix-archive
🔗 Dresden: A Real Holocaust: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/02/dresden-a-real-holocaust-5/
📖 Read - Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction Of Dresden By David Irving ► HERE: https://www.fpp.co.uk/books/Dresden/index.html
✳️ Watch - Hellstorm - The Real Genocide Of 'Nazi' Germany | Kyle Hunt ► HERE: https://rumble.com/v1gu06r-hellstorm-the-real-genocide-of-nazi-germany.html

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