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RE: Decentralization, Distribution, And The End Of The Nation-State

in Threespeak3 years ago

The End Of The Nation-State

you're currently living in a nation state where building barriers at borders is what almost half of people want, even if technology would make nation states obsolete, people will still cling to their beliefs and politicians will always find a way to exploit those beliefs

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people will still cling to their beliefs

And they can, in their own little facet of their world. When things go digital and then virtual, people will be able to find whatever they want and form their own networks. That doesnt mean that they have to affect anyone else.

politicians will always find a way to exploit those beliefs

Where do politicians fit into this. They are just as applicable as MasterCard and Visa in this realm.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

politicians are the ones who make he decisions, that's why we elect them. They can choose to make things difficult if their base is fearful of change. Turkey comes to mind, a secular state that is becoming more and more religious and conservative because politicians are pandering to that segment of their population

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