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RE: Breakaway community self-hosting tutorial - Acquiring a Linux web server (3/8)

in Threespeak2 months ago

Hi, nice work putting these tutorials together, I watched them all, would have been better to just make one video I think.

I use Namecheap for a long time, but prefer to host my own servers.

Can you explain a bit more on the community website app and the project in general


Thanks! The videos are separated because I will add them on the website so that users can go step by step and also they can refer to a specific video, so if someone knows how to get a server but doesn’t know how to setup docker then they can just watch the docker video, or if they also know that but don’t know how to setup Cloudflare there is a short and specific video for that.

On the website


You can use the tools if needed. The breakaway communities are forks of ecency with focus on community, adding community specific features, like points and even different authentication methods. It is a work in progress but we already have some communities that host their own frontends and work with us to bring feedback on features and development roadmap.

GM sir, do I need to install LINUX on my computer,? i have window only for now