deythedevil cross-posted this post in Threespeak 10 months ago

Melee Mayhem - Battle Mage Secret

in Splinterlands10 months ago (edited)

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I rarely joins the tournaments because I'm only just a weak player and still not yet completed my bronze deck. I still have low confidence on battling in tournaments. But I will overcome this fear if I join every bronze or novice tournament.
I was really glad I made it on the second pace on the latest tournament I joined.
And this battle is one of my win, but I think this is the one battle I've won cause I saw my opponents are tough and strong.


The Rules


The Rules of this battle are Melee Mayhem, Stampede and

Up Close & Personal.


I really want to use Mylor for this battle to have the advantage of the rule "Up Close and Personal".
But I taught that it would be wise if I have assurance on the late game. That's why I chose Lobb Lowland so I can use "Katrelba Gobson" for a double attack and a sneak. I still don't have Quora in this account that is why I chose to use Katrelba.


Instead of putting Mycelic Infantry in front, I prefer to place Venari Knifer in front so that if there are high damager but low HP on my opponent, I will take it down first or reduce their shield and HP to solve my problem in mid and late game.


Luckily, Katrelba took down 2 back line opponents to boost her stats because of the "Bloodlust". And most of all, she took down the "Disintegrator", and for that, my team are free from Physical Damage reduction.


I still have problem, my opponent's Quora is still alive and healing itself. I'm worried that she might last hit my cards and also boost her stats. And I hope not.


The good thing is, my opponent's Grund last hit my Grund, not his Quora.


And my Katrelba took down his Grund and again boost Katrelba's stats.


And I won. But this is a close fight. If his Quora survived or dodged any of my last two strikes, I will lose for sure.


Good Game and Well Played @shylenknigh

See you on the next tournament


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