A New Place We Explored This Weekend

in Threespeak4 months ago (edited)

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Hi Hive friends.

Every person likes the weekend and it is also special because it is a holiday and a person takes a day or two off after working for a whole week, so he relaxes a lot and enjoys what he wants. On the last day of the week we had to go to a special place, we got an invitation from here because this place was built here and it was built by a cousin of my friend,

So we went here and checked their food. How are they and how is the decoration to be told so to see these things we friends decided to visit their place this week and see how their quality is.


I like the most here is that they have taken great care of cleanliness, you can see in the pictures how much the floor is cleaned and every table is also kept very clean. And after a while, there were cleaners who cleaned the dirt that came in with people's shoes, so this thing is very good for me, so we sat down here for a while.

And then we went to the upper part too, so there were some other special things here that the customers liked a lot. All the paintings of Pizza Zinger were installed so kids are happy to see these things so this hotel is also a family hotel and here we can go with friends too.

And these motivational words which are written like this motivates a person a lot and makes him want to work, so all these things are very good for all of us, so here we sit for a while.

Then we had to order their famous pizza here and here we came from a reference, so they were giving us a discount and the prices of their same items were not so high even for the common customer here.

Their pizza was about 1000 rupees, large pizza and in other places, now the price of large pizza has become 1400, that's why their hotel is becoming famous and in the coming time we will see that it is more ours. It will be famous in the city because nowadays every person wants such a nice environment so that he can sit and enjoy with his family.

This was the counter and the manager used to stand here while talking to him, he was telling us everything about his hotel and telling us what the customers used to demand here. They have decorated their hotel in the same way so that the customers are happy and then as you are seeing the seating area in these pictures,

Here they have ordered three or four types of benches and chairs, each person has their favorite. I used to sit on top of things and place my order, then it is a good thing. When two or three kinds of things are sold, a person selects his favorite thing and sits there.

Today, if a business is to run, there is only one thing that can run the business and that is decoration, the better the decoration, the more popular the business will be. And they had done this work very well, they were keeping plants here everywhere, some were original and some were artificial, so the beauty was increasing because of them, so now if I talk about the election.

So about 18 to 20 days have passed since the elections, but still no decision has been made here because so much corruption has been done, double counting has been done in the election that no decision can be made because they so many votes have been wrongly obtained by double digits, now all those who were dishonest are having their daily statements that we were told that the vote is non-league and should be done and it should be done.

But the fact is that one day when the conscience of a person wakes up, he tells the whole truth and this is how it is happening. And he has told all these things to the media. If still these people decide the truth then PTI will win and their prime minister will come but these people will never let it happen the way you are seeing in these pictures.

The paintings were placed here, then I went to the other side and after going there, I took pictures of all these paintings. It was done to celebrate birthdays because nowadays everyone wants to celebrate their birthdays in the same way by going to a nice place to take good pictures of them and then upload them on their social media accounts.

It was their price list, the price of everything was given in it, and a person first looks at the price and then orders. For later trouble, they had a full variety of fast food and they also had some special family platters that were too much for the family, including pizza zingers and barbecue.

So, the way you are seeing here, Pepsi brand has given them money for decoration and that's why they can sell bottles of the same brand for the next five years and cannot sell any other brand in the same way. What is done here in our country is that people take money from Pepsi or Coke and then sign a five-year contract, for the next five years they can sell bottles of their own brand to someone else's brand.

Today PSL has started in Pakistan and tomorrow's match is also in our city, our friends have decided to go to see this match. Almost Pakistan is starting from 800 Pakistani rupees and then getting more expensive, so we have booked 800 rupees tickets and there I will go and show you how our cricket ground is here and how people are here.

It is a good thing that international cricket has come here now, so people are very happy, whenever foreign teams come and players come, they are very happy.

Read my latest blogs.




I love the interior design, it such a beautiful place to behold

They hanged great arts on walls, hope you enjoyed while eating 😄

The food variety is good in there. Also the restaurant has a lovely interior.


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