
its a fail if its NOT on hive engine ! get a freakin PEG liek swap.DLUX @disregardfiat ! ask @eonwarped or something or @aggroed

also you should get pegs on Ethereum and BSC using github provable things ...... its free theyll add all the top hive engine tokens and dlux if hive shows support

talk to them! i already talked to Thomas Bertani 🦜 and he said i convinced him to add HIVE for ethereum BSC eos and telos (didnt hurt that @dan also mentioned hive for edenOS )

we could have DLUX or PDLUX on eth and bsc (best to just ask them to keep the symbol DLUX and just have it on eth and bsc and eos and telos and when people wanna use it they can go use the bridge and get the dlux side chain main net . you can also use ptokens NFT bridge to have pegs of your dlux nfts on wax and eth

There's no need for a swap.dlux on hive engine. You can visit and log in and buy and sell swaps yourself.

sorry thats an alien interface

we like to keep things in hivekeychain and stuf we recognize

we need to see it