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RE: Mindful Mondays | Ep 4 How To Find Grace When Things Don't Go Your Way CTP

in Threespeak4 years ago

Very interested in how you go about this. I see myself doing it over and over when I'm out of the vortex.

Meditation is then! It's so hard to believe that by doing nothing, we can get more done.

It would be great to see the path of the ego, from inception to date, to see how it has built up to be the controller of our lives.

I've just realised after watching this, that I can choose to let the ego take over my decisions or to let him seat at the back, waiting for a real scary opportunity.

A great video Jenn! thanks


I don't know how I missed this comment! My apologies :)

I find myself in the same boat sometimes, in & out of the vortex. If I start my day off with even 5 minutes of solitude, reconnecting with myself and/or meditation, it helps so much. I am in alignment then.

Yes, it always comes down to choice, whether we consciously realize that or not. I loved how you describe the ego taking a back seat sometimes. Absolutely! It can help us sometimes, but not when it gets in the way of our real flow.

Thanks so much for watching Gaston! You are much appreciated ❤️

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jenn, you're helping a lot of people this way. See you around the net