Issue with 3Speak SSL ceritificate. Careful with phishing.

in Threespeak3 years ago

We must be careful at all times while using hive, as we most give our posting keys to access front-ends.

I have recorded a video and wanted to upload on

However, the certificate of the website has been revoked, which makes me afraid, maybe I am suffering a "man in the middle" attack, maybe I am accessing a wrong URL, maybe the URL changed or someone hijacked it. The point is, I can ignore the warning and access the website to try to post the video, but without a valid certificate to prove the site is the real one, I don't want to risk it.


I am a programmer, but I am not good with networks, so I am leaving here the details of the certificate I am getting.

I have tried on multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox and MacOS Safari, both on regular and private tabs), and also with VPN on a few different countries, to see if it is a DNS issue, did not work, also forced the date and time to update but it is already precisely right, so it seems like the certificate is indeed the issue.

 2021-06-13 at 10.41.06.jpg

 2021-06-13 at 10.45.15.jpg

 2021-06-13 at 10.46.22.jpg


I have used some third party tools to verify the security, again, I am not knowledgeable about networks, so I am just sharing what I can find, as I am afraid to access to website with an apparently invalid certificate: checking the "Check for common vulnerabilities" option:

 2021-06-13 at 12.06.58.jpg on port 443:

 2021-06-13 at 12.09.19.jpg