The case of a naughty cat.

in Threespeak2 years ago

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Hello everyone, How are you all? I hope all is well. I am fine too.

wellcome back to my another video.
When he saw a rat, the cat jumped up and attacked. The cat's eternal enemy is the cat.

Today I see this wicked cat.
Looking at the cat, it looks like the cat is aiming for something.
The pile of straw is staring at the inside. The cat is looking for something.
It seems to me that the cat may be looking for a rat.

I try to video the cat while standing some distance away from the cat.

At first the cat may not have seen me. Because the cat is looking at the haystack. At one point, the cat jumped up and climbed into the haystack.

I shared this incident of cat with you.

thanks everyone.

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Cats are very evil animals. It is true that cats are the eternal enemy of rats.

This cat, standing for a long time, seemed to be looking for the rat.

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Cats are very good at hunting rats.

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Very clever cat