Side Hustles

in Threespeak2 years ago (edited)


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Was inspired to do this video after bumpin into an old man on the street who was beggin for money. Thought i'd throw out some ideas that may or may not be of use to you.

Of course there are many more ways to make side hustles very profitable that I had not mentioned. I'm sure you have your own ideas.

Mullas for all who care to take the iniative know what i'm sayin?


Hey! Hey! Before you go i gotta you like card magic? Well i just so happen to be one of the very few magicians on HIVE...and I need your help in spreading the Spirit of Magic up in this joint!
So if you find the time, please support my page with a follow and check out my card artistry, performances, magical philosophies and pipe smoking rambles! I'm certain you'll be most...ahem...delighted!
Peace out!

▶️ 3Speak


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Hey man, just curious what crossposting is? It sure spams up your followers feeds...

Cross posting is posting onto other communities.

Damn, i'm using the front end and we don't have that "feed-spam" showing here. I apologise if my face is too much.

Oh, the cross-posts don't show up the same way on peakd?
Normally I don't have a problem with it... some people I follow occasionally cross-post one thing. But you have come to completely dominate my feed, every single day since I followed you :D

Oh damn...well...come over to peakd brother...i won't dominate your feed here!