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RE: A Message To My Friends on Corporate Dinosaur Social Media

in Threespeak4 years ago

Nice one Kenny, I'm also happy with Odysee, Bitchute, Flote and Gab. Have you tried Uptrennd yet? It is also using the Hive concept of upvotes that are worth 1UP tokens.


I haven't used Gab or Bitchute yet (seem to be almost exclusively neo-nazies & Qanonsense), and I've never even heard of Uptrennd. Is that a rip of of @flauwy's 1Up project?

Hey there Kenny, I am not sure of @flauwy project for 1Up, but Uptrennd is much like Hive, it is a dedicated social media sight with its own token to reward via upvotes any creative content. I started last year and so still quite small.

As for the Gab and Bitchute, I presume all the extremists are using it for its uncensored facilities lol.