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RE: Some Industries Being Affected By Technology

in Threespeak3 years ago

This is why i started bitcoin myk with the exception of a few aware and conscious people early on its fallen on deaf ears. Automation will move at a pace the human mind can only keep up so long. The cranium is a limited mass structure that can house a more intelligent capable brain. This means automation will out pace us and no it will not this time around be like the last 3 industrial revolutions.

It's no reason to believe past results are going occur in the future. Instead we should look at the present data. We should be realistic in that 40-50 year old truck drivers and coal miners won't become computer programmers or technologically literate on this scale. It's absolutely no reason to believe that.

Instead the wealth technology brings is going to push us into a socialistic welfare system. Now, we still have a choice. Which is why i've create projects that bring real value to the world. Not just two guys on opposing ends sitting up here trying to find a way to steal money from each other each day. Real solutions that address real problems and the climate has now changed back to ideas like ubi. Many giant tech leaders of their industry say ubi will be necessary and i can think of no better use than it on the blockchain while we still can control it by the people. Government control probably wont be idea.

Now we've reasoned with you all. We've wrestled with you all. It seems the apocalypse just has to come for action to be taken unfortunately. So it will come the altcoin apocalypse the 4th industrial revolution and the aftermath and chaos will ensue. Unfortunately human beings only change at the precipice of disaster this is our way. The man who invested billions in bitcon now on the way down as well as the other cryptocurrencies and many of his peers seem to get this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We should be realistic in that 40-50 year old truck drivers and coal miners won't become computer programmers or technologically literate on this scale.

Presuming we need computer programmers in the future. There is a good chance that self generating (creating) AI handles the programming for us.

I am in the same camp of believing this time is truly different. There is still a school of thought that says "we always created more jobs with technology than we destroyed". This is used to make the Luddites look foolish. See there were more jobs created. The problem is things did not end well for the Luddites. They were right, they were put out of jobs.

The pace of things and the power of the technologies we are dealing with is what is massively changing things.

A decade is a long time in the tech world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta