Angel fish laying eggs!!

in Threespeak2 years ago

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Angel fish laying eggs!!


Angel fish is one of my favourite fish. I have been trying to breed with them without any success. The video shows one of my females laying eggs, with another one following and eating the eggs, the first one just laid!!

I have recued some eggs on another occasion, but was also not successful in hatching them and raising the young, I only got two to hatch and both of the fry died soon afterwards. I will keep on trying and hopefully will succeed soon!!

I hope you enjoyed the post as much as I enjoyed creating it.

I hope you have a wonderful day!!

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Wow very nice fish and wonderful scenery. First time I saw this fish my dear 🐠🐠🐠🐠🐠

It is a beautiful fish!!

Yes my dear


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Hahah right on!

Cichlids are the best for breeding. I had a breeding pair of angels a while ago and they never really made it. So awesome if you have the facilities to stabilize the temperature and ph while isolating them when they are big enough.

Good luck bro. They are awesome!