3Speak Mobile App - WORK IN PROGRESS - Play Podcast & Videos offline

in Threespeak5 months ago

Hello 3Speak & Hive Community members,

With this post, I'll talk about the development progress I am making on this new feature "OFFLINE USAGE".

My Previous Posts about data saving

Offline Usage

  • Now, offline usage is equally important.
  • You use the internet to maximum when you've wifi, download the videos you wish to play later.
  • Just so you know, I'm aware of this need & acknowledge the feedback given by the community members.

offline gif

Development details

  • Just for your information, we're using Flutter SDK with Dart Programming language to build mobile application.
  • Everything I do is completely open source & available for community to use.
  • You can find source code available here - https://github.com/spknetwork/Android-app

Package info


  • We're using flutter_downloader package for offline usage.
  • That's a plugin for creating and managing download tasks.
  • Fortunately, it supports both iOS and Android.
  • So far it is working as expected on Android.
  • Even after following necessary steps for adding iOS Support, we've not yet achieved it.

What steps did I follow to enabled offline support on iOS?

Background modes

We've enabled background modes & in that we've enabled Background Fetch & Remote Notifications as illustrated below.

background modes


We've also added SQLite3 to keep track of downloaded files as instructed by flutter_downloader package.


App Transport Security

Some of the podcast may be on HTTP. So, we need to disable ATS. We've also added following to disable ATS in Info.plist




  • Yep. It seems like we're stuck here.
  • Even after implementing all necessary steps for implementing downloader, we're not able to save data offline.
  • I'm working on fixing it & I believe that with your well wishes, I'll be able to make it working soon.

What do you think?

  • What do you think about these offline feature?
  • Do you think we need one?
  • Did you encounter any other bugs when trying app? Please share.

How to download the latest 3Speak Mobile App App?

Any other suggestions for 3Speak App?

  • Do you have any suggestion / Feedback / comment, please do share.
  • I will take a note of it & work on it whenever I get chance.

Who am I?

  • I'm a Hive Witness
  • 3Speak App Developer
  • I also contributed to mobile-app for HiveAuth
  • Founder of HiveCurators Community - @hive-185924/@hivecurators

Support me

  • Please upvote my content to motivate me.
  • Do you like the work I do?
  • Do you want me to keep going?
  • Please Reblog
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  • Please vote me as Hive Witness

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Support @sagarkothari88

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The SPK Network is a decentralised Web 3.0 protocol that rewards value creators and infrastructure providers appropriately and autonomously by distributing reward tokens so that every user, creator, and platform can earn rewards on a level playing field.


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