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RE: Age of Abundance And Exponential Thinking

in Threespeak3 years ago (edited)

You touched on something I'd like to delve a little deeper on.

"You could make the case we've always been in an exponential age".

From our discussion earlier about everything being data, and the universe possibly being a data storage/organization anomaly (?), this phrase strikes a chord.

What examples could you think of to show a direct line of evidence of the exponential growth pattern of humanity?

I mean do you think if we looked in 40, 80, 160, etc year increments there would be outstanding examples of how technology made such an impact it changed everything, and that line could be traced all the way through known history? Of course, it isn't that simple, but I think it isn't because we just don't have enough info on it yet, or if we do I don't know anyone that's putting it to use.

I would hope there's an AI bot looking into stuff like that now, but I'm not sure it falls under any particular discipline to garner pursuit.

Edit: Speaking of pursuits... I'm on a quest to make the !PIZZA & !LUV bots tell me to flake off, so enjoy enjoy some of both on me!


I mean do you think if we looked in 40, 80, 160, etc year increments there would be outstanding examples of how technology made such an impact it changed everything, and that line could be traced all the way through known history?

This is a good/interesting question. I would be also interested in the answer. I can currently think of only the industrial revolution(s), but I am not sure whether that can be "traced all the way through known history".

I think it depends on how one defines technology. The written word could be considered such (I think), as could prehistoric methods of fire preservation (also debatable(?), but I think if we don’t exclude everything that isn’t mechanical in nature, technology and evolution can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between.

I mean do you think if we looked in 40, 80, 160, year increments there would be outstanding examples

You may think of the Radio , beguinning of 20th century , most of the people at that time could not read , and the main source of info was coming from the churchs , so the radio made a huge impact on them

The 19th century saw a huge advance in chemicals , railways ... .They changed religion for science

Is not that all the times happened this , when the roman empire fell down most of western europe towns got isolated and forgot a lot of techniques and culture

Many of the bridges built by romans were the only way of cross rivers in many areas of Spain until beguinning of 20th century

So I would say that very often in the past people felt (or media told them) that they were having an unprecedent exponential change in their lifes

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This is exactly what I mean. You can also toss in the printing press snd the phonograph.

But those are still mechanical, while the Roman roads/bridges example you pointed out is a much better analogy, since bridges are (technically) a natural occurrence, more so than a manufactured invention, although they’ve certainly evolved over time, with the help of humanity to become more of the latter.

Therein is the heart of what I’m looking for. Are bridges a technological advancement of man or did nature “invent” it, then use us to perfect it?

Did we domesticate wheat or did wheat domesticate us?

I don’t think we’re the end all be all we think ourselves to be. I think we’re tools like everything else in life… just doing what we gotta do like everything else, such we get the symphony we see all around us.






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