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RE: Cryptocurrency and the Useless Class

in Threespeak3 years ago (edited)

!BRO I !LUV that you mentioned Yuval Harari!

I listened to "Sapiens" several years ago and that was probably the turning point in my life when things started making sense.

I followed up with Homo Deus, and the last one which I've forgotten the name of, and enjoyed the second as much as the first, but don't recall being impressed with the third.

The concept that wheat domesticated humanity really drove things home for me.

There's a documentary entitled "The Botany of Desire" that focused on four plants and the evolutionary journey they've taken along side humanity that I had watched years earlier and the concepts I learned within, coupled with what Harari had to say about the evolution of humanity, as well as the tools we've developed along the way, really broadened my perception of damn near everything.

I was also blown away by his take on language, and the magic of words. When he said spells were spells because one spelled them out there was an earth shattering KABOOM! in my brain. Everything I knew about religion and politics came crashing together to paint a picture of clarity of the evolutionary journey of our whole species.

I can't recommend his work enough!! I think it should be required reading in schools. Fucking grade schools. Get the little bastards thinking about things in broad terms asap.

I wish I had access to thinking like his when I was a kid. I'd be bitter for not, but it's hard to be mad about anything these days, now that I'm Splnta-Rich, wah ha ha ha ha!! Peace out.