Living In A New Era With Old Thoughts!

in Threespeak4 years ago

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People in India still believe that having a son is the most important thing in life. In fact, it’s the ladies who think that having a male child is extremely important. Why are we still living with such notions when the girls of the society are equally capable. Why are parent shying away from taking help and support from their girls when they have given them equal love and education. This thought process must change else this will hamper the progress of our society.

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Our parents' mindset is like that because they have been exposed to such thinking from their childhood. Brainwash has happened for several years and now it's hard to change!!!

You are right @richasingh, it's years or learning they now have to unlearn but for most people it's quite difficult at this age. But then, this should not be a reason to behave like a total retard at times!!!