The Shift Towards A Near-Infinite World

in Threespeak4 years ago

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We live in a finite world. That is what we are told. However, technology is advancing to the point where we are going to experience things on a much different level.

In this video I discuss how infinite, or near infinite, is our future.

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The problem is when you focus on a narrow time aspect.
And then couple that with "we live on a ball of earth hurtling around"

So, we assume that there is only x amount of any material.
And, this is more or less true

But, as technology progresses we use different materials.
How much whale oil did you buy this week for your lamps? Kerosene put a stop to that industry...

Further, we seem to be living on an expanding earth. The earth is making more material.

Task discusses the concept of an infinite world driven by digitization, renewable energy, AI, and blockchain technology. He describes how resources like information and energy are becoming abundant in the digital realm, enabling near-infinite possibilities. Task elaborates on the proliferation of cryptocurrencies, the tokenization of real-world assets, and the potential for multiple avatars and AI assistants in virtual environments. He emphasizes the shift towards an exponential world where growth is not constrained by physical limitations but by time and attention.

Detailed Article:
Task delves into the idea of an infinite world powered by digital advancements, highlighting a paradigm shift from scarcity to abundance. He touches on the societal notion of perpetual growth conflicting with finite resources but introduces digitization as a game-changer. By transitioning to a digital world, Task emphasizes the move towards abundance, citing the example of information. Decades ago, information was paper-based, relying on physical resources, but in the digital age, information creation is unconstrained by physical limitations, leading to an exponential expansion of possibilities.

Renewable energy is identified as a key enabler of this infinite world, with the potential to drive energy costs to near zero, making operations sustainable. Task envisions a future where immersive worlds can be created effortlessly using standardized hardware, tapping into renewable energy sources. He discusses the implications of AI, highlighting its capacity to generate content autonomously, bridging the gap between human limitations and infinite possibilities in the digital realm.

The discussion extends to cryptocurrencies, where Task projects a future with millions of cryptocurrencies, stacked on top of each other and diversified for different functions within virtual worlds. He underscores the potential for real estate tokenization in the digital space, exemplified by projects like Decentraland, driving innovation in the realm of digital assets and markets.

Task explores the concept of multiple avatars and AI assistants, envisioning individuals operating in virtual worlds simultaneously, transcending the constraints of a linear existence. He underscores the significance of platforms designed for monetizing real-world assets in the digital realm, offering liquidity and efficiency in asset transfers.

Moreover, Task draws parallels between successful virtual companies like Facebook and Twitter and the value of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. By likening blockchain gaming to mainstream gaming successes, he underscores the potential for decentralized platforms to redefine value creation and distribution, benefiting developers and token holders alike.

In conclusion, Task challenges the conventional scarcity mindset and advocates for embracing an infinite mindset enabled by digital innovations. He encourages exploration of limitless possibilities in the digital world, projecting a future where constraints are lifted, and growth is exponential.