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RE: 3Speak Stats July 2020 | Activities, Users, Votes

in Threespeak4 years ago

Lol you know the saying:
"the best form of defense is attack"
So yeah you actually inadvertently, agreed with my observation.

The other things is suddenly you're not about stats like you professed. You're now a negotiator, playing it down and doing the typical coping mechanism of compartmentalizing: "well yeah it's bad here, but everywhere is bad isn't it?".

Again this is agreeing with my point.
That NO CRYPTO PROJECT is attracting mainstream. See how we are now actually holding the same points but from different perspectives? You in there, me outside of it.

Anyway man I won't interrupt your experience here anymore, I don't do this to critique the people who take part (except the sharks). I actually see the people element as A BIG POSITIVE. It's the system I find broken. My post: Digital Rio de Janerio from a few years ago articulated that. It was somewhat prophetic.

Ultimately, if the system never improves I see the people slowly fading away into something else. Which if you look back at steemit boom days. That's what's happened already.
This is a niche community.
With strong belief yes.
If the system was improved though, the growth would be there. Recently xxxxxxxx made that post asking what's missing here and people made excellent suggestions.
So time will tell if those become reality.

Take care and all the best to you.