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RE: Community Token Talk - Episode 6

in Threespeak3 years ago

proxy hive information to another front end, should work or some medium kind of site. Sure it sucks, but as long people read it, who cares :).

But I don't see it that bad. They censor, they shadowban. And I think that's the proof.

I had a long time the idea to "promoting hive is needed". But it isn't. If the tools are in place and the user experience is high, we don't need to do anything because then we can have a network effect.

For now, it's cool we have our hardcore users here :)

Web2 is in self destroy mode. Web3 in buidl.

Splinterlands is IMO a good example :)


Lead by example

simple proxy content to another site, that refers to hive.

Like an Hive onboard version with all information that refers to games, social and other dapps.

So if they blacklist or peaked, there a a portal before.

This could be an medium site or some self host domain. Selfhost has the advantage to use multiple domains all refer to the same page. Makes it really hard to blacklist.

So they can only blacklist the hashtags and users :) this can be change to web3 and make the hive branding around them also with proxy content.

Web3 on social media and on search engines web3 = hive.

Only one way to do it.