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RE: On My Interview with Del Bigtree, Coming to Miami, and The Occult

in Threespeak2 years ago

As I have run across claims that there are no viruses, or that there's no SARS2 virus specifically, myself in the past I empathize with you in your attempt to report matters that folks bash because they say you're ignoring their beliefs. It can be difficult to stick to your knitting when they're jousting with crochet needles at you. I think you handled the matter with great tact, as you always do.

You don't just claim to respect other's beliefs. You really do respect that others don't always agree with you, and you really feel their views every bit as valid and purposeful to them as your own are to you. Your heartfelt respect for others shows in all your reports, almost oozes from every word you publish. It's a very charming and admirable trait, and I'm sure you sometimes wish you didn't have to be that way. But, you do, because you're you.
