“Only one right answer” Americans Should Eat Ze Bugs

in Threespeaklast year

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Girl taped her teacher’s response when asking about an essay on why Americans should eat bugs.



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"Parasites were detected in 244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insect farms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identified parasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans."


Apparently that teacher is against science.


Edit: if you've eaten any insects, have some ivermectin for dessert.

That is a total violations of teachers protected status to tape them giving a bad + WEF answer.

The teacher wouldn't have been made to look silly if she wasn't recorded.

and the link from HIVE doesn't work

You forgot the /s tag, and it worked fine for me.