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RE: ...

in Threespeak3 years ago

The "experimental" label that you keep throwing on the vaccines is simply not true. The vaccines are approved for use in Canada. You don't seem to understand the purpose of the Interim Order and are trying hard to obfuscate others to it's purpose along with the EUA. The Nuremburg code does not apply as the vaccines have been trialed, with appropriate ethics in place. It's being deployed and used globally. I took the vaccine with informed consent. No one jabbed me in the middle of the night with out me knowing.

My saying I've received reports is no less valid then you saying you have received reports. You have the data or do we just have to "trust" you?

I'm not arguing, simply pointing out that you are pushing misguided and completely wrong information.

There is no Graphene Oxide nanoparticles in the COVID vaccines.




Really? Karen Kingston... graphene-oxide-based mind control shenanigans... "It can connect you to the Internet" - LOL, WTF! that's some pretty big science-fiction. But once again obfuscate, daze and confuse. Stew Peters is playing you all like a violin right to the bank.

This polyethylene glycol (PEG) functionalized graphene oxide (GO) is not
this Polyethylene glycol dimyristoyl glycerol (PEGlized lipid).

I know they look a lot alike to the layperson but they are not. The Sinopeg page referencing the polyethylene glycol functionalized graphene had nothing to do with COVID excipients ....again with the amplifying misinformation, confusing viewers.

Sinopeg is not the only manufacturer in the World of PEGlized lipids - two US companies also manufacture it - Biochempeg and MedChemExpress. A UK company manufactures the Lipids for Pfizer. Again, amplifying misinformation.

Let me ask a really simple question - what colour is graphene-oxide? Liquids containing graphene or graphene oxide in any significant amount (let alone 99%) tend to be dark brown or black definitely not clear.

The Government of Canada has a document on Policy Horizons website called Exploring Biodigital Convergence. About the plans to merge humans and technology. This is where they want to take all Canadians - transhumanism. This is what Klaus Schwab has talked about too.

The Internet of bodies from our "friends" at the World Economic Forum

Yup, so. It's a Government org that asks the right questions about the future. Good grief. You are reaching. There is nothing in there that equates to "This is where they want to take all Canadians - transhumanism." Nor any context with or link to Schwab, who is another level on wanting transhumanism.

What does that have to do with COVID vaccines not having any Graphene Oxide?

Go collect your 30 pieces of silver. Bye bye.