
The world's first robot teacher is already working at The Philipps University of Marburg in Germany. His name is Yuki, and he's currently assisting his creator, professor Jurgen Handke, to deliver linguistics lectures and seminars. Yuki can also help administer tests, pull up useful learning resources, and give constructive feedback to students.
Meet Germany's first robot lecturer | DW Documentary
Yuki is a little way off from operating autonomously. However, as AI and robotics continue to improve at an exponential rate, Yuki could soon take responsibility for more complex tasks, and even deliver lectures on his own! Alternatively, Yuki could perform important but time-consuming administration tasks, freeing up his human counterparts to spend more time dedicated to deep research or mentoring students. This could then inspire more universities to hire their own robot teachers. Thinking about these smart machines gliding around the lecture hall might sound fanciful. However, Japan already has the world's first robot-staffed hotel and restaurant. Japan’s leading scientists are also in the late stages of testing robots to work in hospitals, care homes, and metro stations.