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RE: What's In A Name? The Shaping of My Beliefs About Mental Illness

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago (edited)

Sharing my feelings about this didn't bring me healing, per se, nor even a feeling of relief. Au contraire. I'm not one who wants to blurt to strangers, nor enjoys it much when others do. My experience observing others is that a good public blurt brings temporary relief to many (not unlike quick sex with a stranger is scratching an itch) but definitely it's a long shot to call it "healing". I shared my story to grow an important discussion.

Yes, my life has had painful bits. That's OK. It is the exploration of them internally & spiritually and connecting with meaning for myself, within myself that brings a sense of peace about who I am and the incarnation I have chosen to grow through.

All good. Appreciate you stopping by.