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RE: Why Is Ego So Prominent In So Called "Conscious" Communities And "The Movement"?

A good friend of mine (white suburban-type) was searching years for meaning. he had a huge ego of course, and tried everything. Buddhism, yoga, new age, and finally Native American spirituality. He was accepted by a tribe and would camp out there on the weekends. Then one weekend they held a sacred ceremony and he asked to join. They told him, ”We like you but you must drink from your own well.”. He never went back. But then he recovered his own native traditions of the Europeans and has been happy ever since. I think the main issue is (for white people especially) the set out searching for meaning and suffer a huge identity crisis. Americans especially, live in a foreign land raised with middle eastern beliefs there is no grounding. Anyway that my take on the huge ego in these type of groups.


That reminds me of the tales of Europeans who go to Japan to learn mediation and end up getting told to face a wall and sit there.

They quickly learn they could have just as well have done that at home, and saved themselves the cost of a plan ticket!

Same sort of thing!