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RE: Dwellings

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

It all looks awesome. This quiz: Which Healing Herb is Your Spirit Medicine?

Plant relationships are our ancestral human inheritance, and it's time to reconnect with the innate earth wisdom that lives in your bones. Your results will bring you into kinship with your herb and empower you to reclaim your own unique medicine.

Mythic Medicine on Instagram

Music by Mariee Sioux (from her beautiful song Wild Eyes)


That quiz was hard!! How to choose between the Lion and the Bee as spirit animals; the five outfits at the vintage store (purple dress, white lace top, green and silver robe); which gemstone (gold is not even a stone!) - did you take the quiz? My plant is violet:

One of the world's most beloved medicinal plants, violets bring joy to all who encounter them. Their medicine is gentle and nourishing, but strong enough to address ailments from coughs to cancer.

Energetically, violets help women and girls to hold our center and remember our softness in a world that seeks to traumatize and shame us for inhabiting our bodies.

One of the most widely spread and medicinally active herbs, violets have endless lessons and healing to offer...

This must be your plant, @owasco!

"Mugwort opens up chambers of ancient memory within the brain, bringing to one's dream life stirring visions of past and future that overflow with magical imagery. The symbols that dance through your mugwort-touched dreams pull out the cobwebs of our forgetfulness and assist us in remembering old, unwritten ways of healing and living that attend to the needs of spirit and soul."

So I took the quiz again, this time answering with the other choices (so hard to decide!), and got mugwort.

The witch's herb, the portal herb, the dreamtime herb.
When mugwort comes to you-
It is an initiation into the ways of plant medicine healing.
It is an invitation to remember the old stories.
It is an invocation to reclaim the knowing of your ancestors.
Mugwort has been revered for millennia as a plant of high magic and broad spectrum healing...

I didn't know this about violets. I like candied violets though...

Ooh, do you heat them in sugar water until the water evaporates?
I've tried making my own sugar ginger but gave it up.
Candied violets would be beautiful at a spring wedding banquet. Must learn to make pretty things (edible too, an added bonus) for my table. Must get dinner guests to my table. Must learn to cook again... all my old favorites and specialites (pie crust from scratch! Crescent rolls! I did it all) are gone, gone from my life, and I just haven't sustained the charitable spirit of baking these things for others who can eat them when I cannot....

I think you dip them in egg white and then sugar and let them dry. It's very easy as I recall. And they are spectacularly beautiful. Great for your cakes!

Egg white. Eh. I'll find another way.
Dang, that's a lot of sugar for only 20 violets

Sugar and water version (no egg-white):

Violet flowers, at least 20 in excellent condition with stems still attached, untreated with chemicals
1 1/2 cup water
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 tsp almond extract or 1 Tsp rosewater (optional)
Caster/fine sugar (to sprinkle)

They are buried in the sugar, it doesn't stay on them. They're just dusted with it when you take them out. Idk if you need that almond or rose flavoring, or the castor sugar. Did it say how long you leave them in there? They are dry, like candies, when done. So pretty!!!