¡ Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Does It Mean To Be Whole?

A big regards for everyone.

CONTEST¡ Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Does It Mean To Be Whole?


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A complete human being is a being with moral and ethical principles and that his behavior does not negatively affect others, he only acts according to his conscience respecting the rules and norms of society and, moreover, this happens unnoticed since his way of acting and thinking will not create problems but a peaceful coexistence and a sovereign peace with the people around him.


A person of integrity has several qualities such as education and kindness, responsibility and punctuality at work, is careful, careful and orderly with everything he does, is sincere and does not go around with detours or lies, is respectful and in solidarity with others, She is just when it comes to acting and valuing other people, she is honest and serious, and loyal to the people who offer her friendship and support, managing to be classified as a person who can be trusted thanks to her moral and professional ethics and this It makes it important by becoming an example to follow, whether in the place where you live or in the place where you work, since these values ​​would lead you to success in everything you intend to do or achieve in the short or long term, so in these times it is difficult to meet someone like that with these characteristics or personal profile.


Being a person of integrity also has its disadvantages, it may have differences with other people who are not whole and who think differently and go through life without any kind of values ​​and do not care about anything and look for an ally to act incorrectly to achieve a specific target using other people, and because of your integrity they hit your moral wall and there you start having free enemies for simply being what you are.


You will be victims of evils as a result of envy or intrigues for being a successful person by lying and treacherous people who only come to you to harm you and make a profit by simulating friendship or work companionship and then give you a handful in the back when They have what they were looking for.


The same society makes people with moral and ethical integrity lose certain qualities in order to take care of other people who lack them, forcing them to change as a protection measure and achieve respect, even if you have not disrespected anyone in particular, they only attack you for being what What are you. If you live well in a regular home as a result of your work without harming anyone, the neighbors where you live also attack you and try to harm you as a result of intrigue.


Personally, I am a professional and a trabber, I lived it in my own flesh in the different work places where I was rendering my services. Having these qualities, they begin the witch hunt to harm you and make you look bad before your superiors, especially if they see you coming up from steps quickly or your superior begins to take you into account in situations where serious or trustworthy people are needed for important tasks at that time the intrigues or envy of your coworkers begin and they see you as an enemy and start planting tares, gossip and You invent situations that never happened and they blame you for hurting yourself.


At the present time there are people who do not respect the quarantine or do not understand what an epidemiological alert means and do not want to understand that we are and should be in confinement due to the covid-19 virus and I am surprised to see people without mouth covers on the street, throwing parties and meetings with many people disrespecting or failing to comply with the measures of social distancing and above all ingesting alcoholic beverages without mouth caps.

I go out when it is strictly necessary and when I get home everything I have on goes directly to the washing machine as a measure of protection and personal care and I immediately take a shower, the shoes I use stay at the front door of the house and before When I enter, I put alcohol on my hands, wash the cell phone lining and also the keys and door handles, and these objects may contain the virus that you can contract outside the home and with these sanitary measures I take care of myself and my wife and family.


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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on what makes us whole, it is great to have so many people respond and share their experiences with us all. I really appreciate your point of view x