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RE: Nature's Air Purifier

Good afternoon @owasco, beeswax candles? Never heard of that.

It is pretty bad by us also, a really strange colored sky as well as the smell of burning plastic, at least that's how I would describe it. We are happy to have the planting done, we may just go out for an hour or so later to water some of the little plants, but we will wear masks for sure.
We bought an indoor air filter last year and it really helps, it's been working double time, @thebigsweed cleaned the filters this morning and we couldn't believe how dirty it was, yuck!

Hoping they get these fires out soon and the air clears so we can enjoy the gardens and the new tractor.
Be well and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.


I'm so glad you have that filter! It's downright smokey here. No one outside, it's too hard to breathe out there. I'm sorry you can't play with your new toy. That's quite a toy upgrade you guys gave yourself!

Hahahaha, yes we are like little kids at Christmas time. We waited and saved for so long that when we went for it, we celebrated with wine and an excellent meal that evening.

Stay inside if you can and if you go out, wear a mask. My daughter called me early this morning to tell us what we already knew, the air sucks. She is an x-ray technologist in PA and said the ER was loaded with respiratory patients as well as severe headaches. This shit is for real.

Yeah. I tend to downgrade frightful things, but this one I am paying attention to. Not being able to breathe is a good indication something is very wrong. I wish I had an air purifier!

They are worth every penny.