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RE: Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - "How has your energetic experience changed during this global pandemic"

The idea that this virus will be a problem until there is a vaccine is complete BS, started by Bill Gates and others with Billions of $$ to make off a vaccine for the whole planet. Professor Neil Ferguson, whose terrible computer model the fear-mongering and house arrests are based on, is well known for completely off-base "predictions" about viruses. Basically his answer to every new virus is "It's going to kill millions; lock down the planet!"

Anyway, back to the vaccine point, the head of the Oxford University team researching a vaccine, Professor Adrian Hill, said:

"It is a race, yes. But it's not a race against the other guys. It’s a race against the virus disappearing..."

"We said earlier in the year that there was an 80 per cent chance of developing an effective vaccine by September. But at the moment, there’s a 50 per cent chance that we get no result at all."

"We’re in the bizarre position of wanting Covid to stay, at least for a little while. But cases are declining."


Well said. Thanks for your worthy comment in my post.