Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Do You Believe Is The Highest Form Of Self Love And Why Do You Believe So??

What Do I Believe Is The Highest Form Of Self Love And Why Do I Believe So?

Self Love I believe is the most difficult task in the world, We always tend to become critical of our ownselves, getting hard on ourselves and give our own selves lesser priority. But why so, when we are so good at expressing Love to others why cannot we do the same for our self? Why do we always put others first and then us.

Love for self is the highest form of Love, one can express. Because when we are in that state automatically everything around us will be in harmony. We will not have to take any efforts to prove our love to anyone, cause self love means us, by our true nature and what we are we will spread the same energy around. What we are, we attract the same energy, when we our self vibrate in that frequency we will also spread out the same energy to people around us. But if I do everything for others and I just refuse to take care of myself, this at the end of the day only ends up with a feeling of frustration, because in all those others we bury our self deep down and that poor heart is crying out "Please look at me also".

We lack Love in something, when we try to become judgmental about it and when we do not have total acceptance of it, as is, in that case we do not feel complete attachment to it.
Therefore I believe that

Total Acceptance of Self as is

is the highest form of self love. Accepting and embracing myself in totality of who I am is the highest form of Self Love. Yes I may have many flaws, I may have a dark side and who does not have it. Everyone has some or the other flaw, no one is perfect, then why should I be so critical of myself.


Forgiving our self is the highest order of forgiveness. It allows us to breathe the light into our heart center and open up our heart chakra. When our heart chakra radiates it spreads out the energy just not within but to the outside world also. Forgiveness first starts with own-self and only when we are able to forgive our self will we be able to forgive others also. With this we learn to accept and love our self and others just the way we are.

It's ok to be wrong, to have made mistakes, but that does not mean we become hard on our self. It is so important to treat our own-self gently and with as much compassion as we would do to other people. Only if we consider our self our own dear one, will we be able to stop judging our self strongly. It's not about we being good or bad its only about circumstances and situations that we are going through, then why form opinions. Give that space and freedom to self and the liberty of being nice and loving to own-self.

Self Love will bring wholeness within us and with that wholeness we will feel that we are living our life to it's best, when we have this type of satisfaction, we will feel content with life and also that this contentment will spread around to everyone in the form of happiness that we can spread with our good energy.


Self evaluation is good for our own growth but after self evaluation we do not need to be critical with our own shortcomings, after self evaluation we need to find out mechanisms to upgrade our self. Nurturing our self just like we will nurture a small baby will bring in contentment to our soul.

Specially in these times when our mental health needs maximum boost it is important to be there for own self first and then tend to others.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


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To know love is to be love.

Some wonderful words of wisdom in here @nainaztengra, thank you for this xxxx

A beautiful post that shows us the way to love each other.
Forgiveness always pays off, including oneself: this is a great truth.
He who is inclined to forgive avoids constantly brooding over the
the offence, of living for revenge, of foaming with rage...
in a constant state of anger... and the benefit is also physical. Greetings @kork75