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RE: Acorns as a Free Food Source: How to Make Acorn Meal/Flour

Wow! You really put in some manual labor on this one, and a lot of effort into this post as well. And to think as a kid I assumed these things were inedible, and only used them to destroy my brothers and sisters from across the yard. I selected you as 5% beneficiary of this week's curation post too.

Thanks @jasonliberty for sharing this with us.

Your post is featured in our latest Plant Power curation post, DIY Acorn Flour, Paneer-less Malai Kofta, Slow-Cooker Beans, Herbal Tea Parties, Lasagna, & More!!.

You've been curated by @justinparke for Natural Medicine's curation project aimed at supporting fruit, vegetable and grain recipes, dialogue about cruelty free eating, conscious eating for the planet, and quality meat free food blogs! We upvote, reblog and tweet your great #plantbased content.
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