People Show love in different ways

Thanks @trucklife-family I so much like this question!

The question is:

What Has Been The Most Valuable Lesson, You Have Learnt In Life?

As a kid, you'll never know what life really is, you'll never know why you are where there, you'll never know what it means to come to this world or why you are even in this world or why you are a member of the family you belong to. That's me, I didn't really know what I really am till my teenage age and it's not because of anything, it's because I wasn't brought up with love.


My parents never agree on the same thing, i never see them being friends for at least 24 hours but I still don't know why my mum choose to stay with my Dad, he's a jerk, I and my siblings know that, but my Mum keeps telling me she stays because of us (I and my siblings), most especially me. Although it doesn't make any sense to me because she's okay enough to take care of me even before she give birth to my siblings (I am the first child). Imagine someone suffering for good 28 years that's the age I'll cloth by 3rd of match next year.


But with time, I realised why my mum choose to stay with my Dad is really because of me because if she leave, she won't have choice than to re-marry and she won't leave me behind, she would take me to her new husband which may treat me in a way she won't be please with due to the unconditional love she have for me and she'll have to endure because she won't have to divorce too many times, but she choose to live the life that she's not please with by staying with my Dad, just because of me and now I know what love is. That's the way she can show her love to me

The most valuable lesson I've learnt in life is that There's different way people show love

Another instance is an uncle of mine (My Mum's junior brother) that's damn stingy, he dislike taking responsibility that have anything to do with money, his family know this for him and they've known that his own flaw, there's no amount of money you demand from him that he can give, he don't even pay his children's tuition fee, his wife take care of almost everything but when it comes to bringing family he come from together and making sure that they are well okay, he's good at that. I'm just his nephew, I lived in his house for years and he never even tell me to leave his house, he would call me when ever I seems late from work to ask where I reach or if I'm coming home or not, that's how he knows how to show his own love


People have different way of showing their love, they may not be a jerk that you think they are, they must have a way to show their love but human being places focus on the bad side more than the good sides. There would definitely be a way that you know how to show love and there's a way I know how to show my own love. As I said earlier, I never know what love is when I was young but when my brain has grown enough to comprehend with what my mum always to tell me, I understand what love is and I have way to show my own love.

They may not love you the way you expected but try see where they are good at and if you teach them how to love you, they change to what you really need them to be or what you really want them to be. I have so many people around me which made me understand the fact that there's different way to show love. Another instance is my grand father, he didn't believe in giving out his money as well but he can give out his food, I thought he's crazy but I later understand that his own way of showing love.

People show their love in different ways


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I believe we so often show the love, that has been shown to us. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us. xx