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RE: Hive as traditional symbol of Freemasonry

Masterful write-up and such an interesting correlation you laid open here. Just when I decided to clear out my feed to make room for more relevant people, questions and topics I stumble upon your article, awesome!

While the Hive symbology was not on my radar I find myself thinking of these connections and symbolical "coincidences" often. Notwanting to use the slogans, concepts and idols of the gang for good reason, but wondering just how much that intention is keeping me from objectivity. Take the sun, it has been idolized and worshipped by the weridest parts of the gang for millenia, yet it is essential for all life on Earth and has its place. It's objective value is in no way diminished by the images of the gang.

Who are you and where have you been all this time? (Where have I been, respectively?!)
Instant follow!



hahaha lol nice to meet you Paradigm. There are probably numerous accounts on Hive that go unnoticed until we bump into each other. Many thanks for your kind words. By the way, I am answering from my other account, but it's still me Jules lol.

It's a good point that you make here. The symbols of great things may have been used by others of their personal motives, yet they do not own the symbol and can't claim it as their own, since it is used by anyone who withes to benefit from its imagery or symbolism. The sun and the hive are beautiful items full of valuable imagery based on their real world use cases, regardless of who has used their symbolism before.

Aye, and still it's points like in your article that make me love this place so much. Literally never heard the hive symbology before and it is essential we keep all these things in mind.
Should I follow this account of yours instead? I see mostly reblogs of your jules account but then there are some original ones too. I really don't want to miss any ahahaha.
All the best to ya

The better upvotes are on this account but the poetry is on the other account, though I aim to reblog the other account as you saw. I also enjoy scouring the Hive for gems of info, that's where Hive benefits the colony lol.