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RE: Confusing Law Of Attraction Terms: Explained (Properly!)

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago

"Letting Go" wouldn't fit due to Hive's character limit, so I'm including it here:

'Let go', 'detach', etc.

Letting go doesn’t mean what most people think it does. (The same goes for ‘detachment.’)

Sometimes it’s used to mean ‘forget about’ something.

Which can occasionally help manifest by soothing your active resistance on certain topics, BUT can also slow down manifestations if you stop focusing on something that was actually working.

And sometimes it’s used to mean ‘let go’ of a desire.

But this advice is simply… wrong. You can’t let go of a desire. If a drowning man desires air you wouldn’t tell him to ‘let go’ and it will manifest. If you’re hungry today or tomorrow, I wouldn’t tell you to ‘let go’ of your desire for food.

And sometimes it’s used to mean ‘trust the universe.’

Also known as: ‘let go of the over-focus, the specifics, the forced effort, and the trying.’ This is the best application of the phrase ‘let go’ to improve manifestation.

The point I’m getting at is there are multiple LOA-related meanings for ‘let go’, and it’s really, really important you sort out which one applies to your situation, and that you avoid confusing one for another when a LOA teacher is talking.

This is especially key because the third meaning is a game-changer for powerful manifestation, while the other two will hinder you at worst, and be a mediocre help at best.

Learn the feeling of letting go of forced effort and trusting the universe, while also learning to embrace your desires, since letting go of them is impossible. 🙏


My BEST personal definition of "lettting go" actually just means "not reacting" emotionally to something. And finding a better place to put my feeling state. "ignoring" something, to me, is kind of impossible in some situations. You can't ignore the fact that a bill is due and no money to pay it. You can't ignore a cancerous growth. What you CAN do, though, is choose not to focus on it, and you can choose not to have emotional reactions or assign negative meanings to things. It's difficult sometimes, but this is still possible. And that is where the trick comes in. And the game starts to change.

That's a great personal definition of letting go, and I'm thrilled you added it here in the comments. It may very well help someone else. You rock, #KeepRyzing ! 🙏