Peppers, Sweet Potato Vine and .....

in Abundance Tribe4 years ago (edited)

Hi guys!
Here is a photographic update of what’s happening in my vegetable garden. Once again my photos only half uploaded so you are missing the squash, the red lettuce going to seed ( very pretty ) and the tomato photos but hey -ho... I shall try and add them after. I have been busy collecting seeds of carrot, lettuce, onions and kale this week. It is so satisfying to know you have your next crop or two in the bag.
And remember - Whatever comes along to try and slow you or hinder you... just keep trying! Just give every day your best shot!
Put your heart into whatever you are doing and the spiritual rewards will follow.







May your garden grow abundantly and your resolve stronger.

“Do not seek love. BE love.”

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.